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Here at The County Dance Centre we offer teacher training in the Ballroom and Latin Branches at Associate level with the International Dance Teachers Association (IDTA)

Learning how to teach Ballroom and Latin requires a lot of commitment and hard work as well as giving up spare time to help out in classes.

The first qualification is the Associate which qualifies you with the IDTA and allows you to become a member (AIDTA). You can do this in the Ballroom branch or the Latin branch and you can do it as a whole exam or in modules.

The full Ballroom exam involves in depth knowledge of the Waltz, Foxtrot, Tango and Quickstep. If you do it in modules you have to do the Waltz first which is 45 minutes then the other in any order you want and they are 30 minutes each.

The full Latin exam involves in depth knowledge of Rumba, Cha Cha Cha, Samba, Jive and Paso Doble. If you do it in Modules the first one has to be Rumba which is 45 minutes long and the others are then 30 minutes each.

If you have a dance background in Ballroom and Latin you would have to have private lessons to learn the theory of each dance and how to answer exam questions and learn the technique from the 'Technique of Ballroom Dancing' by Guy Howard or 'Technique of Latin Dancing' by Walter Laird. You would also need to be available to help in classes in order to put the teaching into practice.

If you don't have a Ballroom or Latin background but have done other forms of dance then you can still learn to be a teacher but you would need to learn how to dance first and so we would recommend joining a class or having private lessons to learn then we can start the teacher work.

Once you have the first qualification you can choose if you want to continue with further qualifications or not. The next level up is Licentiate and then Fellowship which both increase your knowledge of dance.

If you are interested in doing the teacher training then please get in touch with us and we will be happy to welcome you to The County Dance Centre and look forward to helping with your dance career


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